Monday, August 24, 2020
Cellphones Should Be Banned Free Essays
Cellphones ought to be restricted Nowadays you see cellphones all over the place: at the store, at an eatery, and even at the theater. Individuals appear not ready to put them down or turn them off. Cellphones effectsly affect wellbeing, society, and security. We will compose a custom article test on Cellphones Should Be Banned or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now I have organized my conversation in a specific order, climbing of significance, so as to give the peruser some knowledge in the realm of cellphones, and why cellphones ought to be restricted. Cellphones can cause extreme worry in all ages. Youngsters and youthful grown-ups are consistently on; they eat, rest and shower with their cellphones. Gaby Badre, MD, PhD, of Sahlgren’s Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden discovered that â€Å"Teenagers who too much utilize their phone are progressively inclined to disturbed rest, fretfulness, stress and fatigue†(American Academy of Sleep Medicine). While young people are pushed when they are not on their telephone, continually being on can pressure individuals in the workforce. â€Å"Increasing utilization of mobile phones and pagers might be obscuring the limits among work and home and raising feelings of anxiety at both places†(Warner). Despite the fact that there is simply episodic proof of cellphone related malignant growth and mind harm in grown-ups, proof was discovered that cellphones can harm a child’s cerebrum. Kids utilizing cell phones retain as much as twofold the measure of radiation through their heads as grown-ups. The main researcher Dr. Om Ghandi, from the University of Utah, found that a child’s mind can assimilate radiation over its whole surface. Cellphone radiation primarily impacts the neurological arrangement of a kid, â€Å"causing cerebral pains, absence of focus, memory misfortune and dozing issue. It can likewise cause epilepsy in children†(worldwide child rearing affiliation). Further can radiation of cellphones hurt body cells and DNA. In Europe 12 research gatherings, dealt with the task called Reflex. More than four years the scientists, composed by the german research bunch Verum, â€Å"studied the impact of radiation on human and creature cells in the laboratory†(worldwide child rearing affiliation). They found that solitary and twofold strand DNA breaks, in the wake of being presented to electro attractive fields. Educator Leif Salford, who headed the exploration at Sweden’s renowned Lund University, says ‘the deliberate presentation of the cerebrum to microwaves from hand-held portable phones’ is ‘the biggest human organic analysis ever’†(worldwide child rearing affiliation). Like cellphones affect wellbeing, they affect society. Cellphones influence social cooperations, correspondence, and decorum. At the point wh en you are watching a gathering of youngsters going out, or hanging tight for the transport together, every individual of the gathering is either messaging or considering a companion that isn't with the gathering at this moment, rather than conversing with one another. They maintain a strategic distance from awkward circumstances and encounters by either not noting a call or sending an instant message. â€Å"Text informing is hazardous, in addition to the fact that it ruins social communication between people, composing abilities and articulation. Everything turns out to be so indifferent and simple†(Marquez). There is no cumbersome quietness or nonverbal reaction associated with content informing. You can fundamentally say anything you need in instant messages without uncovering your emotions or conclusions. Content informing is indifferent and youthful grown-ups appears to lose the capacity to have an eye to eye discussion. Also do cellphone greatly affect Socioeconomic Diversity. Cellphones and cellphone contracts are costly. Only one out of every odd parent or understudy can manage the cost of a cellphone with boundless book, call, and information. This may separate youthful grown-ups from their companion and make them subject of harassing. â€Å"People can be impolite when utilizing the telephone in public†(ehow) †telephone decorum is poor or doesn't exist by any stretch of the imagination. Noting calls during a film or theater appear, to holding up the line at the store, or chancing upon individuals in the city, in light of concentrating on the mobile phone rather than their environmental factors, are for the most part instances of poor PDA behavior. In any case, the most serious issue with cellphones is security. The National Safety Council expresses that 28% of all fender benders are brought about by cellphone use in the driver's seat. The examination â€Å"A correlation of Cellphone Driver and the Drunk Driver†, by Daniel L. Strayer and et al. , at the University of Utah in 2006, states that chatting on the telephone while driving equivalents a blood liquor of 0. 08%. While young people are messaging, they spend around 10 percent of the time outside the driving path they’re expected to be in (Edgar Snyder). Be that as it may, there are other significant wellbeing issues associated with cellphones next to cellphone use while driving. Sexting, the accommodation of sexual messages or pictures, is turning out to be increasingly more mainstream among adolescents, and youthful grown-ups. â€Å"In January 2009, three secondary school young ladies from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania were accused of assembling and dispersing or having youngster erotic entertainment after they purportedly sent naked or seminude wireless pictures of themselves to three male cohorts. The young men, ages sixteen and seventeen,were accused of ownership of kid ornography for having the pictures on their telephones. The young ladies included were considerably more youthful, only fourteen and fifteen years old (Calvert). News like that are upsetting, yet a long way from phenomenal. Youthful grown-ups and young people revealed that sexting is viewed as ordinary, and essential for dating and connecting. Be that as it may, sexted pictures and messages are undependable. With todays cellphone innovation it is anything but difficult to send those photos viral, on the web, without the underlying sender knowing. The sender can be openly uncovered without their knowing. Moreover would others be able to snap your photo without your assent. When indicted for conveying or possessing youngster erotic entertainment, an adolescent or youthful grown-up can confront the opportunity to be named as sex guilty parties, â€Å"a disgrace that could frequent them for the duration of their lives, for what one should seriously think about an energetic, reckless indiscretion†(Calvert). Cellphones have all the earmarks of being exceptionally helpful, yet they accompany extreme reactions. In the wake of thinking about the wellbeing, society, and security gives that cellphones carry with them a boycott of cellphones is defended. Sadly a boycott isn't in sight for the present moment so we have to ensure that youngsters, adolescents and youthful grown-ups figure out how to utilize their cellphones right, without relying upon them to an extreme. Work Cited Calvert, Clay. â€Å"SEX, CELL PHONES, PRIVACY, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT: WHEN CHILDREN BECOME CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS AND THE LOLITA EFFECT UNDERMINES THE LAW. †Firstamandmend. com. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. http://firstamendment. jou. ufl. edu/bars/SexCellPhonesPrivacyArticle. pdf. â€Å"Developing the Child Brain. †‘Early Learning’ Parenting Resource. Early Learning’ Parents Resource. Web. 01 May 2012. ;http://www. internationalparentingassociation. organization/BrainDevelopment/cellphones. html;. Titus, Christa. â€Å"Negative Impact of Mobile Phones on Society. †EHow. Request Media, 26 July 2009. Web. 02 May 2012. ;http://www. ehow. com/facts_5217378_negative-sway cell phones-society. html;. â€Å"Cell Phone Texting Accident Statistics. †Edgarsnyder. com. Web. 03 May 2012. ;http://www. edgarsnyder. com/fender bender/mobile phone/insights. html;. Marquez, Cesar. â€Å"Negative Aspects of Text Messaging. â€Å" The most effective method to refer to Cellphones Should Be Banned, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Film review Freaky Friday Essays
Film audit Freaky Friday Essays Film audit Freaky Friday Paper Film audit Freaky Friday Paper Freaky Friday (otherwise called Fortune Cookie in Japan) is a 2003 parody dependent on the novel of a similar name by Mary Rodgers. It stars Lindsay Lohan as Anna Coleman and Jamie Lee Curtis as her mom Tess Coleman. The wide age hole among mother and her high school little girl is more than clear. They just can't see every others inclinations. On a Thursday night they have a major contention in a Chinese café. Both get a fortune treat each from the eatery proprietors mother which makes them switch bodies following day. As they modify with their new characters, they start to see each other more and in the long run its the shared confidence that sifts through the things. It likewise stars on-screen characters Mark Harmon and Chad Michael Murray.This is the third time this film has been made by Disney, and the second in ten years. The first film was made in 1976 and featured Barbara Harris as the mother and Jodie Foster as the girl. A 1995 TV redo was delivered for ABC. A sleeper achi evement in the United States since its late spring discharge, the humbly planned film cost only $25m to make and has proceeded to net over $100m. Film has won 5 unique honors ( for ex. female acting) and furthermore it was designated for Golden Globe and 10 different selections. Movie was coordinated by Mark Waters . Created by Andrew Gunn, Mario Iscovich, Ann Marie Sanderlin.It appears that there will consistently be a business opportunity for a healthy family film in which a more youthful young lady fights with a more seasoned female figure and the accomplishment of Freaky Friday looks like the comparable film industry accomplishment of a years ago Princess Diaries. Hollywood executives will no uncertainty be taking a gander at this sort cautiously and attempting to place their own undertakings into advancement for the following occasion season.The film couldnt be to a greater extent a complexity anyway to the ongoing mother/girl fight pic Thirteen. There young ladies ingested med ications, had piercings, drank and engaged in sexual relations. Theres none of that in Freaky Friday, where the fierce young people temperament swings and her hyper-sorted out moms lives truly reflect great healthy American qualities: accomplishment through difficult work, keeping a nuclear family together, and seeing every others needs through ordinary communication.Curtis plays the mother, an effective clinician (she has an assortment of parody esteem wacky patients), author and single man going to remarry the ideal Mark Harmon. In any case, her little girl Annabell (Lindsey Lohan) gets Fs in English, never needs to get up for school and has just her pop band at the forefront of her thoughts. Things reach a critical stage when Annabells band have a significant tryout the evening of Tess wedding practice, and an abnormal episode including Chinese fortune treats transplants the two characters into every others bodies.Comic tricks definitely result, with the girl unfit to adapt to he r moms riotous way of life and Curtis coming over all demure in the wake of the respecting looks she gets from her little girls colleagues. Theres a lot of disarray and droll diversion which both Curtis and Lohan hop into vivaciously, in spite of the fact that Harmon touted as a rising star, harking back to the 80s when he made The Presidio suffers from having the most one-dimensional character to play.This is delicate, unchallenging stuff whose gushy consummation can be seen a mile off. Its inquisitively antiquated in its ethics, despite the fact that there is nothing amiss with the incidental cut of healthy family amusement. There can be little uncertainty that a spin-off must as of now be in the offing.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Applying to College vs. Applying to Jobs
Applying to College vs. Applying to Jobs Most of the readers of this blog post are, in all likelihood, applying to college. This college may even be MIT. But, readers, if you thought the process of applying to semi-elite institutions ended after college apps, you would be sadly mistaken. Once you get to college, you might want to apply for an internship. Just like applying to college consumes your life during your senior fall of high school, applying to internships during the school year is quite nearly a full-time job. And just like applying to colleges, you have to apply to a whole bunch of jobs because the application process can be somewhat of a crapshoot. Ill add a disclaimer here to say that Ill mostly be talking about internships in the field of software engineering, which are the predominant type of internships that are available, and also the ones that are most relevant to me as a computer science major. Ill add another disclaimer here to say that Im not very good at Course 6, and as a result, not very good at technical interviews, a prime component of getting a technical internship. Other MIT students who are more capable than me likely have a much easier time acquiring employment. So this blog post is about my personal experiences applying to jobs, and does not necessarily reflect every MIT students experience. The Recruiting Timeline Unlike college apps, a lot of people apply to jobs every year that they are at MIT. Yes, you heard me thats four years of job applications. However, it is generally understood that upperclassmen are preferred for most internship positions.01 some big companies have freshman and sophomore programs though Since seniors are mostly applying to full-time jobs, juniors are the most coveted group for internships. As a junior applying to internships: its nice to be wanted, because applying to jobs as a freshman and a sophomore kind of sucked. A lot of you probably started about thinking applying to colleges way before senior fall. For a lot of juniors, applying to jobs starts way before junior fall. I was furiously applying to 2020 summer internships at the big tech companies02 like microsoft, apple, google while I was still interning at PlayStation this summer, and I was even contacted by a company to have a coffee chat about 2020 internships in April, before my internship for 2019 had even started. heres a glimpse at my jobs spreadsheet. i had shortlisted and applied to most of these companies by early september. The weekend that the MIT Career Fair03 a massive and extremely stressful affair in which ~400 companies fill up two gymnasiums and a track field with booths and you have to walk around and talk to reps from the companies in a desperate attempt to get hired comes around brings a flurry of desperate applications to all the companies that you talked to at Career Fair. For some people, this can be upwards of 30 companies. For me, talking to company reps is a mentally taxing experience, so I only managed to talk to about 15 companies this year. If youve ever been to one of those big college expos in which college reps from different places stand around and talk to you, Career Fair is sort of like that. lotta red on there The Application Process Most applications for software jobs are pretty standard. They ask you to fill out a bunch of information, and to attach a resume and a cover letter. This sounds pretty simple, but unsurprisingly, its not very nothing compared to writing college essays, though. Updating your resume is time-consuming. You have to make sure that literally every word makes you look as good to an employer as possible. You guys can probably relate to this because I remember when I was writing my college essays, literally every single word out of the 250 allowed in each essay counted. For me, updating my resume involves going to resume workshops hosted by various student groups and companies that have come around to recruit, and having my senior friends read it over and tell me what to change. This year, I made the excellent choice of LaTeXing04 LaTeX is a cool formatting program language thats usually used for math textbooks my resume, and it looks hella spiffy. Writing cover letters is also annoying, but definitely less so. Ive been reusing the same template for two years now, and just switching around some paragraphs and sentences depending on what type of company Im applying to. I bet that you guys are doing this with the Why do you want to apply to [insert college here] essays, because thats definitely what I did. Once you get your resume down, the rest is completed on autopilot. You fill out all the info, reshuffle your cover letter, and hit submit. Interviews Job interviews are a lot less fun than college interviews. Most companies have behavioral and technical interviews. Behavioral interviews are definitely my strong suit they ask questions like Tell me about a time that you changed a teammates mind regarding a key decision on a project or Tell me about a project that youve worked on, etc. The interviewers basically just want to see if youre a good fit for their company. Technical interviews are my worst nightmare. Im not very good at thinking through coding problems very quickly, and they usually involve recursive solutions, which Im especially terrible at coming up with. Imagine if your MIT interviewer started quizzing you on math concepts during your interviewer, and all the math is hard. Thats what technical interviews feel like to me. Tech companies also sometimes send coding challenges as an initial screen. A coding challenge is basically a quiz on how fast you can come up with good solutions to a few problems usually, they give you around 90 minutes for two Leetcode-easy/medium05 Leetcode is a website used to practice coding challenge questions, and they are a standard way of describing how hard a coding challenge question is questions. Im also really terrible at coding challenges I either come up with sub-optimal solutions to the questions, or simply dont finish at all, so my success with passing coding challenges has been somewhat limited. Final round interviews for the big tech companies are usually on-site interviews, which means that they fly you out to wherever their company headquarters are to have a day of interviews with a bunch of their teams. Generally, people with on-sites tend to miss about two or three days of school, and depending what your courseload looks like, this can really suck. You usually get an offer (or dont) soon after your on-site. I cant speak too much to the distress usually caused by on-site interviews because Ive only ever had them at companies close by,06 theoretically, i have a final round on-site interview at a company in seattle, but they havent told me when it is yet :( but Ive been told that flying all over the country during the semester for the simple purpose of getting a job is not fun, and can cause you to get pretty behind on classwork. I know that most of you seniors have probably given up on high school by now and are just pouring your soul into your college apps, but sadly, being a student at MIT doesnt work like that. Heres an approximate breakdown of the jobs Ive applied to and interviews Ive actually received. Applied to: ~ 1207 id like to emphasize that this is very few companies compared to what most people apply to. i just am very picky in terms of what companies im willing to work for, and also have been too hosed to apply to more. companies, probably about 20 positions08 you can apply to multiple positions in a company First round interviews/coding challenges received: 7 Second/final round interviews received: 5 (waiting to hear back from all of them) Jobs acquired: currently, none :( I still have a few companies left to apply to,09 weirdly enough, the job app season is sort of split up into early decision and regular decision so my final count of companies applied to will be higher. And honestly, I have a fairly high success rate in terms of the amount of second round/final round interviews I currently have, but again, I only applied to companies that I am genuinely interested in working for and have the relevant experience for. A lot of people shoot their shot at literally every company they have the bare minimum of qualifications for. I recently read a similar breakdown on Facebook of a girl who applied to 70+ companies and wound up with 2 final offers at the end of it all. I actually applied to colleges in a very similar way I only applied to places that I would actually consider going to.10 along with one safety school that I didnt really want to go to, lol Heres a similar breakdown, but for the colleges I applied to. Colleges applied to: 5 Colleges that accepted me: 2 To be frank, Im a little stressed at my lack of job offers, but honestly, most people around me are in the same position waiting to complete their final round interviews or waiting to hear back on an offer. However, it is stressful to go on LinkedIn and see people updating their job statuses to Incoming Intern at [insert company here]. It makes me feel like Im doing something wrong, even though I dont think I am. My goal is to have at *least* one job offer by the end of November, and have decided where Im going for next summer by the end of the semester. Last year, I had my offer from PlayStation by the middle of November,11 which i was super psyched about because freshman year, i didnt have a UROP for the summer until April lol and I was intending to have an offer even earlier this year, but it doesnt look like thats going to happen. Applying to jobs is hard. To Job or Not To Job For a lot of MIT students12 mostly the course 6 ones , job app stress permeates their entire fall semester. But, and I would like to emphasize this, this is not everybodys experience. Some people apply to research programs or UROP over the summer. Some people participate in the MISTI program and work or research abroad over the summer. Some people work on personal projects or startups. And some, perhaps the wisest of us all, go home13 granted, this is unfortunately not super common. most people want to get job experience over the summer because when senior year swings around, having prior work experience is crucial to getting a full-time position. it sucks that things are this way, because a lot of people just have no time to relax the entire year. and recharge for the summer. All of these are valid options. There are probably even more options that Im not thinking of. Your summers are for you, and you can do whatever you want with them. To those of you who are applying to MIT and imagining your life here: I dont want to stress you out. A lot of you wont be interested in interning at companies over the summer, and wont have to go through this whole rigamarole. To those of you who do want to intern somewhere: fear not, because you will have more support than you know what to do with. Your upperclassmen will be there to help you, and the CAPD will walk you through every step of the job application process. You will not be applying to jobs blind. And to those of you who are currently going through the college app or job app processes: Godspeed, comrades. Post Tagged #getting a jerb is hard #jerbs #the application process never stops kids some big companies have freshman and sophomore programs though back to text ? like microsoft, apple, google back to text ? a massive and extremely stressful affair in which ~400 companies fill up two gymnasiums and a track field with booths and you have to walk around and talk to reps from the companies in a desperate attempt to get hired back to text ? LaTeX is a cool formatting program language that's usually used for math textbooks back to text ? Leetcode is a website used to practice coding challenge questions, and they are a standard way of describing how hard a coding challenge question is back to text ? theoretically, i have a final round on-site interview at a company in seattle, but they haven't told me when it is yet :( back to text ? i'd like to emphasize that this is very few companies compared to what most people apply to. i just am very picky in terms of what companies i'm willing to work for, and also have been too hosed to apply to more. back to text ? you can apply to multiple positions in a company back to text ? weirdly enough, the job app season is sort of split up into early decision and regular decision back to text ? along with one safety school that I didn't really want to go to, lol back to text ? which i was super psyched about because freshman year, i didn't have a UROP for the summer until April lol back to text ? mostly the course 6 ones back to text ? granted, this is unfortunately not super common. most people want to get job experience over the summer because when senior year swings around, having prior work experience is crucial to getting a full-time position. it sucks that things are this way, because a lot of people just have no time to relax the entire year. back to text ?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Explore how Ken Loach articulates social concerns in( Kes.) Free Essay Example, 1250 words
In Barry Hines’ A Kestrel For A Knave, the coal mining communities in and around Yorkshire were documented very well. Hines details how poverty and desperation force people of the region to take up jobs as miners. But coal mining is a very risky enterprise with high rates of mortality and disability among the workers. Though the medium of film or the narrative constraints of Kes do not allow for showing these social contexts, Loach tries to throw light on â€Å"class militancy against the brutal new conditions of low pay contingent service work, but characteristically as much on the personal costs and pain of that struggle. †(Forsyth, 2003) When we look at Ken Loach’s films since Kes, we find direct and pronounced engagement with the neo-liberal theme. In this sense, Kes can be grouped together with these later films although it preceded the actual implementation of neoliberal policies. Loach’s films since the 1990s contain bold pronouncements against the evils of such economic policies. The films of this period have â€Å"repeatedly come back to the ravages of and struggles against the ruling class offensive known as neo-liberalism. We will write a custom essay sample on Explore how Ken Loach articulates social concerns in( Kes.) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The attack on working peoples living standards, wages and unions, the relentless erosion of the social, health and educational provisions of the so-called welfare state, the polarization of rich and poor, the familiar mantras of privatization, deregulation, free market magic are all too well known. .. it is now generalized as blatantly imperialist globalization, borne by the World Bank, the IMF and American military might. †(Forsyth, 2003) Seen in this light, Kes is a precursor, an eerie harbinger, for some of these negative consequences of globalization. For, Kes deals with issues of increasing poverty, delinquency, public schooling standards, individual alienation, decline of the institution of family, rampant commercialization, etc. For its treatment of these neoliberal themes, Kes is a critique of this economic system, even if it is attributed retrospectively. In terms of technique one could see refreshing cinematography in Kes. Considering that the 60’s gave birth to the Nouvelle Vague (of the French New Wave) of cinema, one could see its influence in Loach’s approach and style. In a marked deviation from films of an early era, the visual capabilities of the medium are explored to the full. Dialogue is used minimally, while ambient sound is used as a signifier of feeling, emotion or an event. Despite the visual beauty of the film, that was not how Ken Loach conceived it to be.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Developing A Vision, Mission And Values Essay - 1322 Words
â€Å"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it†said Buddha. Defining one’s values, visions and mission statement for themselves is exactly what Buddha stated â€Å"your purpose in life†. Without developing a mission, vision and values to assist in developing a strategy, an individual cannot identify, distinguish or explain themselves to others. The importance of developing a vision, mission and values is to help one become the most successful they can be along with being a productive leader. Values- Values; values are beliefs that are important and guide your life. During the ages 11 to 12 years of age my values just began to be shaped. I lived in a rural small town full of farmland known as Union Bridge, Maryland and attended Northwest Middle School. People of Union Bridge are farmers, mechanics or small business owners. But my personal home life could be understood as unlikely or unique. Before even entering the world, my mother was addicted to drugs and my father was incarcerated, but as time went on and I grew older, things became worse. My mother died at the age of twenty-nine because drugs grabbed ahold of her and she could not let go, leaving me to be fought over in the court system by both sets of grandparents until I was eleven years old, where I finally resided with my maternal grandparents. My home life during this time influenced me to be shaped by artists like Eminem and Bruno Mars because the message behind their topShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of A Vision Miss ion And Vision Statement1036 Words  | 5 Pagesserve a great purpose with developing/crafting vision, mission, goals, objectives, and strategies. The direction of organizations are very important on developing a desirable environment. In developing organizations, it often times requires quality details on creating a format feasible to the organizational needs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Many Faces of Oppression Free Essays
Tsitsi Dangarembga address several issues concerning women in her novel, Nervous Conditions. Three main issues include coming-of-age, colonialism, and patriarchy. They are all encountered by the central character, Tambu as she grows up in colonial Rhodesia. We will write a custom essay sample on Many Faces of Oppression or any similar topic only for you Order Now While living on the homestead with her family, Tambu witness the examples of oppression prevalent in her environment. The women in her immediate family are domesticated and for the most part uneducated. When Tambu learns of her aunt Maiguru†s education and â€Å"success†, she tries to ignore the potential images of the women on the homestead by working hard to go to school. Once she is granted an education with the help of her uncle, Tambu finds out that her aunt Maiguru is oppressed too, only in a different setting. Therefore the struggles women face are similar regardless of their class,or level of education. Tambu learns early about the oppression of women in the traditional patriarchal way of life on her homestead. For example, Tambu can not continue to go to school because her family lack the funds for her to go. However, her brother Nhamo is granted the right to go and is expected to do well. Their father boasts about his son†s education and gives him certain rights and privileges. Tambu resents the fact that her brother is able to get an education and she is not. She is constantly in conflict with Nhamo because of Nhamo†s arrogance. He retorts, â€Å"Did you ever hear of a girl being taken away to school? With me it†s different. I was meant to be educated†(Dangarembga, 49). Speeches like this contributes to Tambu†s increasing drive and desire for education. Tambu, seeking to break away from her oppression through education, asks her parents for maize seeds to raise her own crop and sell them for tuition. Her own mother†s years of oppression seeped into discouraging Tambu. My mother said being black was a burden because it made you poor†¦ [and] being a woman was a burden because you had to bear children and look after them and the husband†(Dangarembga, 16). Discouragingly the parents give the seeds to her and she raises her crop. She notices that her crop is coming up missing and finds out her brother was stealing them to keep her from going to school. However through determination and a little assistance, Tambu raises the funds for school. Her father, in an act of dominance tries to take the money away from Tambu†s education but is unsuccessful. Tambu gains a small victory in her journey to reach her dream. The death of Nhamo is a turning point in Tambu†s life. Because Nhamo was the only son in the family, Tambu took his place. Tambu is granted the chance to be a part of colonized life and the advantages it has over the poverty she has lived. All the whileTambu goes through her schooling she sets her sights to becoming what her aunt Maiguru seems to be. â€Å"She was altogether a different kind of woman from my mother. I decided it was better to be like Maiguru, who was not poor and had not been crushed by the weight f womanhood†(Dangarembga, 16). One of the examples Tambu is shocked to know is the oppression Maiguru encounters by obtaining her Masters Degree. Tambu is accustomed to the hierarchical forms of address which place women and children lower than men. She is surprised to know a woman can go that far and wonders why no one acknowledged her aunt†s degree. Again another example of oppression in Tambu†s family, especially the women, is that they didn†t like Maiguru acquiring that amount of education and therefore did not acknowledge her level of education. They did however,celebrate Babamukuru†s Master Degree constantly and gave all praises to him, even the women joined in. Another example of the oppression in a middle class household is Maiguru†s salary. Even though she had the education and the career in teaching, Maiguru never saw a penny of her earnings. They went directly to her husband. Even Maiguru shows her acceptance to this oppression by saying, â€Å"†¦ no one even thinks about the things I gave up. But that†s how it goes†¦ and when you have a good man and lovely children, it makes it all worth while†(Dangarembga, 102). Even though Maiguru was educated, she was still expected to marry and raise children, so her education only provided another way of serving her family. This confession disappoints Tambu because it shatters her image of Maiguru being an independent role model. Now, with the influence of her cousin Nyasha,Tambu must find and become her own image of an independent, educated woman. The patriarchal way of life in Rhodesia had many levels of oppression. From the poverty-stricken homesteads to the colonialized middle-class setting, women were being oppressed from something. Author Tsitsi Dangarembga, cleverly reveals these levels of oppression in Nervous Conditions. Main character Tambu is able to see some of these levels with her opportunity to go from her homestead to her uncle†s home while she grows and goes through school. She think she has escaped the oppression when her brother dies and she has the opportunity to leave home where oppression is prevalent. Tambu fails to see that oppression exist even in a colonized setting until she learns from her aunt and idol, Maiguru. Even with a high level of education and ability to make money, there was still the opportunity for oppression to exist, in Maiguru†s example, by not acknowledging educated women or having their earnings controlled by men. Although this realization now occurs to Tambu, she tries to find some other way to resist the oppression (refusing to go to her parents†wedding). Nervous Conditions is a great example of how women struggle regardless of class or level of education and whether they accept the oppression or resist it. How to cite Many Faces of Oppression, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Summer Love Essay Example
Summer Love Essay It didn’t begin as a romance, really. It wasn’t a friendship, either. I don’t really know what to call it, but I do remember the first time I ever saw her. I was young; maybe eleven or twelve. It was so odd that she struck me so much, at first glance. Eleven or twelve is not exactly the age that boys begin admiring girls. I know I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. I was outside playing with my buddies, Ricky and Josh. We were building a fort out of some cardboard boxes that dad had found from work. It was what we always did after school. It was while we were putting the last box in its place that I heard this laughter coming from the sidewalk. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It was kind of musical, but also a little taunting. â€Å"Is that what you do around here for fun?†asked this lanky, blonde hair, blue eyed girl. Very rarely can you remember what someone says word-for-word, but I will always remember the words of this mysterious girl. All three of us boys gawked at her. She was not like the other girls that we teased at school. They were cute usually wore pigtails or braids that we tugged on to get their attention, but this girl; she was not cute at all. Not really cute. She was pretty. She had rosy cheeks instead of the freckled ones that we usually saw. She was wearing make-up and had one clothes t hat looked too old for her age. We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She told us that her name was Annie. She did not tell me her last name. She told us that she was from New York City and was only in our small town for the summer, staying with her aunt and uncle. I don’t remember what I said back to her that first time she spoke to us. I wanted it to be something clever, something sarcastic, but it was something terribly dull. As dull, apparently, as she thought our town was. The next day, I told Ricky and Josh that I did not feel like playing â€Å"fort†anymore. I told them that it was for kids. I wasn’t a kid anymore. Instead, I waited upstairs in my room and looked out of the window that overlooked our front yard. From our front yard, I could see Annie’s aunt and uncle’s house. She was walking outside, so I ran down the stairs to go outside, stopping at a mirror near the door to make sure my hair was smoothed down and that my collar was straight. I usually let my hair fly however it wanted to, but not in front of Annie. I went outside and leaned against the house, trying to look like I imagined the boys looked in New York City; uncaring and cool. She walked by and stopped. She stared at me, but I was not going to give her the satisfaction of being the first to say something. Especially since I had no clue what I should say. I had not thought that far ahead. â€Å"So where are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb?†she asked. She was talking about Josh and Ricky. I shrugged, and kicked the ground, or something as equally cool and uncaring as that. â€Å"So, where can I girl get a soda in this dump?†She asked, hands on her hips. I was in love. She was a little rude, loud, and annoying, but she was the best thing I had ever seen. It was the beginning of a summer romance. At least, to me it was a romance. I am still not sure why Annie decided to hang around me when there were plenty of local beefy jocks that would have loved to have spent summer with her. I never asked her. I was just glad that for some reason, I was chosen. That was one of the best summers of my life. Ricky and Josh were not really happy, because I rarely had time to be around them, anymore. Annie and her crazy ideas kept me busy. For a girl who complained so much about my hometown, she certainly found plenty to do in it. We went horseback ridingâ€â€something she had only read about, shopping at our small mall (her idea, not mine), went skinny dipping in a lake (my idea, not hers), and had many mini-adventures. I think that even though she was used to the big city, she had as much of an amazing summer as I did. She was so modern and cool – unlike any girl I had ever met before. Instead of reading Seventeen, or some other silly magazine that girls read, she enjoyed reading the New York Times, particularly the movie reviews. She loved movies and could quote them like some people quote poetry. â€Å"’Why do you want to fight?’†she would ask me. I knew my cue was â€Å"’Because I can’t sing or dance.’†Rocky was among her favorite movies. â€Å"’I think we make a great couple of coconuts. I am dumb, you are shy, what do you think?’†was another one that I said to make her laugh. Weird for a girl to like Rocky 1 instead of Pretty in Pink, but I wasn’t complaining. The only thing bad about our summer was that even though every day with Annie was fun, I knew that eventually the summer would end and she would have to go back to New York City. That day came and she did not even say goodbye. I went to her aunt and uncle’s house and they told me that they had taken her to the airport early that morning. I never saw Annie again. Her aunt and uncle moved shortly after that summer. It was one of the best summers of my life, but it happened so fast and ended so fast that sometimes I wonder if it was just a dream. If it was a dream, or if I had been in heaven, then Annie had been an angel. Either way, I will never forget that summer, or Annie from New York City.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Federalism essays
Federalism essays Federalism is a concept that started many years ago during the times of the ratification of the document we live by called the Constitution. This concept basically states that there will be two levels of government, the national and the state. Federalism states that the national and state governments are separate entities and have formal authority over the same area and people. With its largest effect was during the Civil rights movement. Civil rights are freedoms and rights guaranteed to a member of a community, state, or nation. Freedom of speech, of the press, of religion, and of fair and equal treatment are the basic civil rights. The constitution of the United States contains a Bill of Rights that describes simple liberties and rights insured to every person in the United States. Although the Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution, civil rights were not always respected to all human beings, especially women and blacks. When the constitution was first written, many Americans understood the meaning of the famous inscripture "all men are created equal" to mean that all white males were created equal, likewise with other civil rights guarantees as well. As a result, blacks were enslaved, and women were persecuted throughout the late 1700's and early 1800's. During the 1850's abolitionists in the North questioned the morality of southern slavery by writing and preaching about the rights blacks were denied. Abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison, Fredrick Douglass, and Sojourner Truth, paved the way for the first civil rights movement that occurred after the Civil War, during Reconstruction. In the 1950's and early 1960's, whites in the South lived in segregated societies, separating themselves from blacks in every humanly way possible. The old Jim Crow laws governed all aspects of their existence, from the schoolroom to the rest room. Southern blacks faced new discrimination every day ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Improving Vocabulary Skills Through Reading in English
Improving Vocabulary Skills Through Reading in English Extensive reading in English with the help of a good English dictionary on a variety of real-life topics is one of the ways to learn English vocabulary. Since there is an enormous amount of reading material in English, a learner of English has to prioritize reading in subjects according to learners needs for using English to encompass first the most necessary, relevant and frequently used vocabulary. Day-to-day topics ought to come first in reading.​ Finding Reading Materials Reading materials can be arranged by level of difficulty of vocabulary - for learners at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Learners can master the most important English vocabulary by reading thematic texts (materials), first of all on everyday topics with important content, for example: Practical Tips and Advice to Make Everyday Life Easier and Better (practical solutions for everyday problems). Such self-help books on settling everyday matters are available at bookstores. In addition to thematic informative texts (materials), learners can read thematic dialogues (samples of real-life conversations between people), narrative realistic stories, fine literature, newspapers, magazines, Internet materials, books in various subjects, general thematic English dictionaries, etc. Good general thematic English dictionaries arrange vocabulary by subject matter (topics) and provide clear word usage explanations and also a few usage sentences for each word meaning, which is especially important. English synonym dictionaries provide usage explanations and usage examples for words with similar meaning. Thematic general English dictionaries combined with English synonym dictionaries are a valuable tool for mastering English vocabulary logically, comprehensively, and intensively for real-life needs of learners. Good public libraries have a wide selection of English reading materials. Expanding Vocabulary Through Reading It is better for learners to write down unknown vocabulary in whole sentences to remember word meanings easier. It would be a good speaking practice for learners telling the content of the texts that they have read. Learners can write keywords and phrases, or main ideas as a plan, or questions on the text that require long answers to make easier for learners to tell the content of the text. I believe it is a good idea to read each logical chunk or paragraph of a text and to narrate each paragraph separately, and then the whole text. As people say, practice makes perfect.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Religious or Spiritual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Religious or Spiritual - Essay Example Situation with spirituality is quite similar – all the people are in some sense spiritual because it is in human nature to ask oneself about why one exists, for instance. However, spirituality can be external and internal. These are rather different concepts. The roots of external spirituality are in rationalism, while those of internal one are in consciousness. All the people are spiritual internally – again, it is in human nature. At the same time, not everyone can understand and feel it. A common mistake of people is that they seek happiness and communion with God somewhere outside. They try to achieve harmony by means of performing certain actions that they believe are required for achieving inner peace. Such actions may include reading holy books, attending church or praying, among others. However, such actions may not fill the internal emptiness; they are just external manifestations of religion, which cannot replace understanding and fulfilling own spiritual needs.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The Effects of Civil War may have on Tourism and the Economy in Uganda Essay
The Effects of Civil War may have on Tourism and the Economy in Uganda - Essay Example However, this is not the case in third-world countries that go through great social and political upheavals during periods of domestic crises that are often caused due to ethnic tensions within the country. The violence that is a part of such disturbances within the country are not restricted to the period during which the crises happens as relapses are often found to happen, incidents that tarnish the reputation of the nation amongst the members of the international community. Investment of money in the industries of the country, thus, suffers and it undergoes a period where its economy has to struggle to make ends meet. This has been the case with Uganda, a country that has some of the most exciting wildlife parks and tourist destinations in the whole of the African continent. Despite this wealth of natural beauty and the enormous range of opportunities for adventurous tourism, Uganda has not been a favored tourist destination for a very long time and one of the primary reasons for this has been the civil wars that have rocked this country. Tourism as an industry relies heavily on the presence of infrastructure that serves to provide maximum comfort to the visitors. The safety of the tourists who visit is also of paramount importance to the sustenance of any tourism industry. This paper shall seek to explore the reasons as to why Uganda as a nation has not been able to channelize the potential that it has and the role that the domestic crises over a period of time has played in the decline f the tourism industry in Uganda. One may think that long years of violence since the times of Idi Amin may have caused the people of Uganda to sink into a state of apathy and not participate in any political process that might happen in the country. This, however, is not true. Christopher Blattman, in his essay, From Violence to Voting: War and Political Participation in Uganda, talks of how an increase in violence has actually led to a rise in the percentages of voting in Uganda during elections. Areas where abductions of men had taken place witnessed a high percentage of voting. Blattman’s interactions with members of the community proved that violence in these areas, especially instances of political violence, led to an increased political awareness among the people of these areas. This was partially due to an urge in the members of the community to see change in the manner in which governance was carried out. The basic element that is needed in any society for positive change and for the success of democracy is the will of the people. In Uganda, this seems to be in place. Blattman exudes an optimistic confidence in his essay regarding the will of the people to change the political situation of their nation, something that would enable the establishment of a cordial atmosphere for the revival of the tourism industry (Blattman). The extreme anxiety of the people is also revealed through this hope for a government that is democratically elect ed; an anxiety that reveals the slump that industries undergo during a period of civil war. It is probably the fear of such a loss to their means of livelihood (tourism generated revenues constitute a major chunk of the revenue that the Ugandan economy generates) that impels them to seek refuge in the process of democracy. However, the government of Uganda does not seem as keen as the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Improvement of Automobile Fuel Economy :: Cars Fuel Oil Automobiles Essays
The Improvement of Automobile Fuel Economy Abstract In today’s society, it has been determined by energy analysts that fuel consumption is increasing at an alarming rate. This is due to the large influx of drivers on the road, and the increase in travel demands. Since energy is not a finite commodity, there have to be certain movements taken to improve the fuel economy in automobiles. Certain technological advances have been discovered, such as reduction in vehicle weight, and improvements in the engine design, that can greatly increase the efficiency of the automobiles. However, these improvements will come at a cost ultimately to the consumer. With government mandates on average fleet mpg ratings increasing by the year 2001, it is becoming imperative that there be a joint venture between industry and government to meet these guidelines, in the effort to increase fuel efficiency. Introduction: In today’s world, one of the major topics of the day is the unknown future of energy. Energy is a commodity that is devoured by the entire world. However, it is also something that, in many senses, cannot be restored. Take, for instance, gasoline. Today’s society is extremely dependent on the role of the automobile as a means of transportation. However, with the exponential growth of our dependency on cars, the use of gasoline, and in many cases its waste, has grown enormously also. Therefore it is understandable that the growing depletion of gasoline has lead to the furthering of initiatives to improve the overall fuel efficiency of automobiles. In fact, the improvements have been increasing year by year. However, there has also been a steady increase in the price of petroleum, along with the steady increase in its demand. Supply, however, is an entity that is uncertain. This is because the majority of the world’s oil supply comes from unstable areas, namely the Middle East. Despite these uncertainties, the automobile, in this case in the United States, is becoming more and more the principal means of transportation for the masses. The days of the trolley, and other means of public transportation have long since passed, and the automobile has been intertwined into the American lifestyle. This domination has also, in fact, spread across the border toward Canada, and across the sea to most of Western Europe. Despite a faint resurgence of public transportation, such as buses and trains, the automobile is still the primary mode of personal transportation in the United States.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Green technology
Green Technology: Past, Present and Now Sheilamarie Luzader INF103: Computer Literacy Edward Bakker August 5, 2013 What is green technology? â€Å"Green Technology is the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources, which minimizes and reduces the negative impact of human activities. †(kettha. gov/. my/en/content/defintion-greentechnology) Green technology is extremely important for the planet and us, as human beings.Green technology has given people the opportunity overcome the reaping of natural resources and to build p the environment that the human race is consistently tearing down and damaging. Everything has a cause and reaction. Because the human race is exhausting the natural resources that the earth is providing, we are becoming reliant on something that is not going to last forever. Green technology gives the opinion to find alternatives that will be more environmentally sound and will improve life itself.Within this paper, I will cover green technologies history, what green technology is doing during the present day and what is to come in green technology and what you can do to make an impact. Many people fail to realize that green technology has been around for a very long time. Although, people in that time did not realize that they were being environmentally friendly. They were simply exploring ways to meet their needs. Many things helped pave the way for Green technology and simply then a better way of doing things and a way to live better from forms of solar power, windmills, to the power of steam, and even electric cars.The power of the sun has been used probably since the beginning of time. In 1839, Alexandre Edmond Becquered discovered a photovoltaic effect which is the process of electricity generated from the unlight. Over a hundred years later another major breakthrough comes from Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson and Daryl Chapin discovered the Silicon Solar Cel l, in 1953. After this, around 1956, many things start to change. Solar cells are then being put into everyday objects like toys and radios. To major accomplishments, like the first spacecraft being powered by solar cells.This spacecraft, Soyuz 1, was launched in 7 From then on, solar power took ott in a slow but never ceasing climb. From to 1990, solar began powering railroad crossings to powering houses. Another major ilestone solar energy has passed is a solar car in 1982 created by Hans Tholstrup, the â€Å"Quiet Achiever. †To think that then there were energy sources that one could never run out of. Just like being able to harvest the power of the wind. The first windmill was reportedly in Persia in 7 A. D. They used the windmills to water their crops. This passed on through Asia and spread to Africa and other surrounding areas.The Dutch in the 14th century created the tower windmill with the larger lattice work arms with the stretched canvas across. This is the windmil l that many people picture when they think of a windmill. With this design, they were now able to move larger amounts of water to where they needed water. By the 19th century the windmill count was a s high as 30,000. The windmill craze caught on in America and spread throughout the Great Plains. The peak time for windmills was from about 1880 to 1935. During this time many farmers relied on these windmills to bring the water.Without water, they have no crops and no life essentially. In 1930, the windmill can to a massive roadblock that halted windmills as they knew it back then. The Rural Electrification Administration made it possible to pump 20 to 30 gallons of water with a simple electric pump. This killed the windmill. In the mix of windmills and the Industrial Revolution came steam power. In 1698, Thomas Savery coined the first steam powered pump. This then was improved by combining that with pistons and cylinders by Thomas Newcomen and again by James Watt.Steam power made it possible for factories to be anywhere. Whereas, windmills and water power had forced factories to be by large bodies of water. This sparked the industries to use steam power for everything from textile work to metalworking. James Watt lay claim to the term â€Å"horsepower. †He believed that with these steam engines he could replace how many horses? So from there it became 4 horse power, 5 horsepower and so on. Steam power really laid the ground work for many great inventions to come. The first steam powered locomotive was first put on track in 1804. This was a major step.Goods could now be transported by other means then animals and humans. The United Sates put a steam engine on a ship Just 3 short years later to make a 150 mile Journey. Steam power had been pushing society into a new level of transportation, labor and leisure. This green way of doing things slowly faded away with the coming age of the electric motors and internal combustion engines. Electric otors were als o a green alternative to other engines that were not environmentally friendly. The first electric car is unknown. However, there are many individuals that made a remarkable impression of this fad.In 1828, †¦nyos Jedlik designed and invented an electric powered car. From then Robert Anderson, Professor Stratingh and his assistant Chistopher Becker and Thomas Davenport also invented an electric powered car. William Morrison's design however made electric vehicles more practical with the capability of having a passenger. This pioneered the way for the first commercial taxi fleet in New York City, in 1897. Electric vehicles had many perks. For instance they did not smell bad, have bad vibrations and were not a loud as a gas powered vehicle. They were green and did not even know it.Many people do not even see this history as a green history, because they believe green technology to be a 21st century kind ot technology. Many people these days are blinded by society to see what is rig ht in front of them, green technology and the importance to our world and communities it brings. To move forward in this technologically advanced world, as inhabitants of the Earth we need to look back to these unattended green advances nd learn from them. We have to revert back to technologies like those in order to save our planet and mankind. We need to learn to become eco-friendly to save what little â€Å"eco†we have left.In todays society, there are many green technologies out there from solar power and other renewable energy sources, hybrids and electric cars, and energy efficient appliances. Solar technology is by far the technology to take society to the next level of green thinking and a better way of life. Solar energy can provide electricity, can heat a house, and it can also save money from both a residential stand point to a ommercial perspective as well. Road signs and lights are also going green and using a solar powered systems to generate the power they nee d. This saves the government money as well.Going green and using renewable sources not only helps your wallet stay full, but it helps the environment as well. By using solar power, greenhouse gases and other air pollutants will decrease which in turn will be greatly beneficial to the environment. Here is a chart that shows the U. S. ‘s energy consumption: As we deplete the natural resources our plant has to offer, mankind needs to find a etter solution to bring down the petroleum, natural gas, and coal consumption to help clean up our environment and improve our quality of life. What humans pull from the ground is not an endless supply.This is a harsh reality that society needs to grasp in order to move forward into an eco-friendly way of life, which will be needed in the coming future. Not only do we need to cut energy consumption in our homes, but in our vehicles as well. Hybrids have come a very long way. They built the automobile industry from the ground up. Starting from steam to electric to gas guzzling SUVs, as a whole we have went forward by going backwards. The early concepts were not to save the environment and reduce pollution, they were simply a form of transportation.Nowadays, people want the fastest, coolest car no matter the price and what the repercussions are for owning a car that is not eco-friendly. Who cares if your car emits gases that are harmful to the environment or to yourself? Who cares if we use up all the oil in the world? My answer: We all should! If we Just take and take and give nothing in return to the Earth, where will we be in 50 years? A small change that can significantly improve our environment is our cars. Hybrids cars still use gasoline but to a much small scale and the back lashes from driving one is significantly better on our environment than a regular gas guzzling car.Many people are making the switch to hybrid cars. Not only are these cars fuel efficient, but can one day lead to a cleaner and brighter future. B elow is a chart of hybrids bought from 1999 to last year 2012. This Chart from http://www. evsroll. com/ Hybrid_Car_Statistics. html really puts in perspective that now over a million hybrid cars have been bought since the slow start up or reintroduction of hybrid cars in 999. Along witn hybrid cars, a new wave ot appliances nave been making their way to the green scene. Energy efficient appliances may not seem like much, but in all actuality they can help a lot.An average house hold can cause Just as much pollution if not more than a gas powered car every year. How you may ask? Because the power plants we use to power our homes burn fossil fuel and the more energy we consume, the more fossil fuel that is burned that goes directly into our environment. When we purchase energy efficient appliances the less energy we use. This in turn causes the power lants to not burn as much fossil fuel right into our environment. These products will also help save money on utility bills as well. By using energy-efficient appliances, households can save up to $400 per year on utility bills. (EarthEasy)†With the advancing green technologies from hybrid cars to energy efficient appliances, there are many more to come in the future. Although one cannot predict the future, we can predict that green living and technologies will be on a slow uphill battle to gain support and usage throughout the world. In a sense, the fate of the world rest on these kinds of technologies, because e need to find a way to live in harmony with nature and not completely suck it dry. The future is soon coming with green technology.As a society, we are Just now getting on to the solar panels and their systems. However, there is a Norwegian company, EnSol AS that has created a solar spray that goes on regular windows on a house. In some sense it is like putting Windex on the windows and not wiping it off. This transparent spray is that convenient that one cannot even tell the spray is there. This te chnology is going to bring solar power to many people because it has become so easy and convenient. I believe that with that there will be more technology that can make green technology easier and more convenient for consumers to use.I also believe that in the coming years the hybrid car market will skyrocket and continue to evolve to create cars that are more eco-friendly. I want to believe as a society we will become more environmentally aware of what is happening and what we can do to stop it. As individuals there are many ways to help by doing little things that we can control. Unplugging your appliances when they are not in use, will bring down energy costs and will eliminate wasted power. By composting your waste, you are giving back to environment and reducing waste because you are recycling for instance to a garden, that will help plants grow.A major component that everyone can do that will reduce plastic waste is to stop buying plastic water bottles and buy a water bottle t hat is reusable. Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, these light bulbs can cut cost of energy and be a safer and efficient light source. Taking short showers and use cold water when washing your clothes are Just some more simple ways to cut energy costs. To help the environment more walk or ride your bike, instead of driving. Instead of putting pollutants into the air, you can get exercise in and enjoy time outside.Another key component would be to recycle every chance you get. All the little stuff adds up to the bigger picture. Also to recycle electronics the right way. Do not throw them away in the garbage. There is special places you can take your electronics to recycle. And finally, turn off the lights. When you leave a room do not leave the light on, this is Just plan wasteful and throwing money right out the window. Within this paper, I covered green technologies history, what green technology is can do to make an impact. Green technology is our future and our way to ma ke a better, safer and healthier environment.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Disillusionment Arises On Multiple Occasions - 1416 Words
Disillusionment arises on multiple occasions – first when Di’aa tells Firdaus â€Å"‘You are not respectable’†(95), then when she concludes that Di’aa â€Å"had not really been in love with [her], but came to [her] every night only because he did not have to pay†(120), and finally when she understands that her profession â€Å"had been invented by men†(124) and that she â€Å"was not nearly as free as [she] had hitherto imagined†¦[She] was nothing but a body machine working day and night so that a number of men belonging to different professions could become immensely rich at [her] expense†(128). Firdaus’s empowerment and consequent disillusionment demonstrates that even though she may have been felt in control of her career, she is ultimately a commodity†¦show more content†¦I’m your husband and you’re my wife†(51). This scene repeats later with her aunt and uncle, then with F awzy and Sharifa – â€Å"I heard Sharifa’s voice like a series of gasps followed by the same protesting tone. ‘No, Fawzy. For the Prophet’s sake. You must not, you must not!!’ Through the wall came his painting angry hiss again. ‘What the hell, woman! Must not what, and Prophet what?’†(81). Physical domination and expectation of sex is one aspect of ownership, as is lack of agency and self-determination. One example of this is when Firdaus’s mother chooses to perform a clitoridectomy on her, which permanently limits Firdaus’s ability to feel sexual pleasure and leads her to constantly reflect on the first time she felt pleasure with Mohammadain and how after the clitoridectomy, â€Å"part of [her], of [her] being, was gone and would never return†(138). Another example is when her aunt and uncle sell her and marry her off to a man without her consent or input. These situations, although different, contribute to a greater cultural practice of erasing female agency and encouraging male ownership of women’s bodies. To survive the brutality and psychological damage of prostitution, as well as rape, Firdaus frequently dissociates her mind from her body – a tactic mentioned in Jeffreys’s article: â€Å"[radical feminists] have unders tood that women’s experience of the world starts from the body, the only territory that women have, but not oftenShow MoreRelatedPastoral Care and Counseling Essay5654 Words  | 23 Pageshelpful in my context. These are: 1. Unrealistic Expectations That Can Lead to Disillusionment. When they ap ¬proach marriage, perhaps most people assume that they have unique relationships. Perhaps these expectations are changing now that marriage failures are so much taken for granted. 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