Monday, November 25, 2019
Major Types of Relations in Organizations
Major Types of Relations in Organizations The concept of employee relation is both a philosophy and practice that has been embraced for long. It is a philosophy in the sense that it motivates employees to perform better in organizations. As a practice, it has been used by organizational managers to initiate processes that tend to boost productivity (Armstrong, 2008, p.195).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Major Types of Relations in Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The practice and philosophy of employee relation is best put under the philosophy of Human Resource Management. Hence, the model in Human Resource Management that constitutes the concept of employee relations include self drive for strong commitment that focuses on winning the hearts and minds of employees (Armstrong, 2008, p. 195). As a matter of fact, employee relations explore the nature of relationships that exist in organizations. There are three major types of relations in orga nizations that are closely related to employees. These are employer-employee relations, employee-employee relations and employee-work place/organizational relations. Components of Employee Relations There are myriad of essential components that constitute employee relations. These include performance management that is aligned with the goals and objectives of an organization, significances attached to employees in organizations, tactics of administering the performance of employees, the link between performance of employees and rewards in addition to job design. Finally, discipline of employees and employee counseling are also vital components in employee relation. According to Gennard and Judge (2005, p. 14), anything that pertains employee relations must consider management aspect of solving problems that are identified among employees. This management must be designed in a way that it captures the tacit knowledge of the employees and how this can be transited to the organizationa l performance. However, the overall interests of the organization, which to some extent are the interests of the employer, must be looked into (Gennard Judge, 2005, p.14). Theoretical framework of employee relations The concept of employee relations is like a survey on what motivates the employees. Zagelmeyer (2004, p.20) points clearly that employee relations or workplace industrial relations must be determined by the governance structures. Therefore, the theoretical framework of employee or industrial relations must look at the determinants of structures of governance of the organization (Zagelmeyer, 2004, p.19).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are two major theories that helps understand the concept of employee relations. These are the Employment Relationships System (ERS) theory and EIR theory The ERS theory According to Kaufman (2004, p.62), the Employm ent Relationship System looks at the integration of various systems in the work place. Essentially, it is an implication that goes together with the importance attached to labour in the organization. Kaufman (2004, p.62) adds that the theory is qualified by the principles of sociology and psychology. These form a central understanding of the relationship needs of the employees and then predict the outcome or performance of the employees in the organization. The theory teaches that the nature of relationships in various systems in the organization; that is, the employee, the work place and the employer dictate the kind of behavior exhibited by the employee, and it is essential for employee performance in the organization. The EIR theory This theory combines two understanding of workplace relations namely the Employee relations (ER) and Industrial Relations (IR) hence EIR. According to Townsend and Wilkinson (2011, p. 13), the EIR theory helps in explaining, understanding and predicti ng the constituents and configurations of Employment Relationship System plus various observed behaviors in the employees. This theory seeks to put causal relationships between two things which can be named as A and B. The A in this case can be an independent variable and as pertaining employee relations, this could be the conditions in the workplace. B is a dependent variable, and as per this discussion, these are the behaviors and performances that come as a result of conditions in the workplace. The changing nature of Employee Relations Employee relation is a concept of human resource management. Jenkins (2002, p.11) notes that the overall policy of human resources has changed along, and these mostly concerns modifications in how personnel in the organization is managed. Even before the concept of employee relations was conceived, there existed the industrial relations. Therefore, the concept and understanding of employee relations is bound to change over time. Jeff and Ian (1996 , p. 36) note that line managers should be well equipped in the management of employees relations because change is in the offing. The classical styles of managing relationships in the organization are slowly becoming obsolete and it is possible that the current practice would be overhauled soon.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Major Types of Relations in Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are a number of factors that are influencing this change. Globalization has influenced a lot in how relationships in the organization are to be managed. This is because the world has become small and there is a need to employ internationally recognized practices in management of relationships in the organization. The increase of bargaining power in management of organizations has also made it compulsory for line managers to change their approach to employee relations and human resource management in general (Jeff Ian, 1996, p. 36). A need to put quality and enhanced productivity may also compel organizations to change the way they approach management of employees in organizations. Indeed, employees ought to be motivated so that they can improve organizational performance. Employee Relations in the United Kingdom The concept of employee relations has taken varying dimensions. However, the concept should be put in to the account of major actors such as diverse scenarios and complex environments. As well, there is a need to look at the wider area of employment relationship instead of just focusing on industrial conflicts. However, the most important aspect of employee relations is practice what is recognized internationally as ideal practice. In the United Kingdom, the concept of employee relations is put under four major areas namely; Social, Economic, Political and Legal. In understanding employee relations in the UK, the roles of Trade Unions must be looked into. Role of Trade Unions Trade Unions are very critical when it comes to management of employees in any kind of organization. In United Kingdom, the trade unions represent the interests of the workers in the country. They do this by use of political bargaining and collective bargaining tools. According to Gennard and Judge (2005, p.73), United Kingdom has a trade union which has become accepted by the majority of the employees in the country. However, the year 2003 was not a good year for the trade unions in the country and this had an adverse effect on the trade union. For example, Gennard and Judge (2005, p.73) note that autumn 2003 had the membership of the unions fall by 7.068 million. In the UK, the concept of employee relations is like a marked split between the traditional industrial relations or public sector and the modern methods that go with the private sector.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The trade unions are mostly applicable for employees in the public sector and the private sector has non-union employees. The United Kingdom has issues that pertains employee relations. According to Dickens and Neal (2006, p. 49) notes that employee relations has become a legislative issue in Australia. It is also imperative to note that the latter challenge appears to be a growing problem all over the world. Public sector in UK and employee relations The public sector in the United Kingdom has the employees who are enrolled in trade union. In the United Kingdom, 70% of the employees are in the public sector with only 30% being in the private sector (Blanpain, Bamber Pochet, 2010, p. 30). The public sector has a better collective bargaining as compared to the private sector and actually 45% of people in organization s in the country have their salaries and pay influenced by collective agreements. However, even with the existence of trade unions and legislations, the country has had notorious attitudes towards industrial relations and generally employee relations. However, the attitude has become enhanced. The situations changed from the year 1980 and the country has had one of the best standards in employee relations. There was even a legislative Act of the year 1999 which was named as Employment Relations Act. This Act proposed a change in management of trade unions and put a strong recognition of their roles in the management of employees. Global economic difficulties and response in management of employees Blackett and Levesque (2009, p. 78) note that the difficulties that have come with global recessions of the year 2009 and other negative global economic issues have affected the management of employee relations. The issues have changed the approaches of the public sector and private sector when it comes to management of employees. In the United Kingdom, the global economic difficulties prompted responses from both the private and public sectors. For exam ple, the private sector in the country had to cushion the employees from the effects of the recession. The City council in Manchester had to sanction what it called a top-up minimum wage. Each worker was to be paid  £6.75 per hour as the minimum wage. However, the private sector had different approaches; for example cutting off of some enjoyment packages and allowances. Conclusion In summing up, it is vital to reiterate that employee relation is indeed an integral and inseparable component of organizational performance. In addition, there are various theories that have been employed in creating thorough understanding of how employee relations impact organizations on a day-to-day basis. For instance, the Employment Relationship System explores and integrates various systems and structures at workplace. It has a very close tie to the value attached to human resource in any organization. Secondly, the EIR theory of employee relations attempt to address both Employee relations (ER) an d Industrial Relations (IR) theories that affect employees in various workplaces. These two theories have been instrumental in shedding more light on how employees and organizations interact on a day-to-day basis. Management of employees in an organization is an important aspect of organizational administration. In the absence of employees, the expected returns by employers may never be realized. Hence, there are three crucial relationships that must be looked into namely employer-employee relationship, employee-employee relationship and employee – work place relationship. The concept of employee management in United Kingdom is an important aspect. However, it is the role of trade unions especially in the public sector that attracts much attention when managing employees. References Armstrong, M. 2008. Strategic Human Resource Management: A guide to Action. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Blackett, A. Levesque, C. 2009. Social Regionalism in the global economy. New York: Tayl or Francis. Blanpain, R., Bamber, G. Pochet, P. 2010. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws: International comparisons between key countries, Bedfordshire: Kluwer Law International. Dickens, L. Neal, A.C. 2006. The changing institutional face of British employment relations. Bedfordshire: Kluwer Law International. Gennard, J. Judge, G. 2005. Employees’ relations. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Jeff, H. Ian, C.1996. Change in Employee Relations: Can Line Managers Deliver? Management Research News, 19 (5), 35-37. Jenkins, A. 2002. Employment relations in France: Evolution and innovation. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Kaufman, B.E. 2004.Theoretical perspectives on work and the employment relationships. Illinois: Cornell University Press. Townsend, K. Wilkinson, A. 2011. Research Handbook on the future of work and employment relations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Zagelmeyer, S. 2004. Governance structures and the emp loyment relationship: Determinants of employer demand for collective bargaining in Britain, London: Peter Lang publishers.
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